Representation of Social Hope in Iranian New Wave Movement Works


Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Cinematic works serve as reflections of the cultural unconscious of a given society, providing sociologists with the opportunity to examine its hopes, aspirations, and societal concerns. This manuscript utilizes qualitative content analysis to examine the manner in which social hope is portrayed in 15 Iranian New Wave Movement films. The research endeavors to investigate two fundamental inquiries: “In what manner does Iranian New Wave Cinema depict social hope?” Furthermore, “How does this portrayal intersect with the societal hope of the film's creation?” Despite extensive literature on “social hope” and the “sociology of hope,” analytical formulations are limited. This article adopts Schneider's triple articulation—encompassing “agency,” “purposefulness,” and “feasibility”—as metrics for assessing social hope.
This study employs qualitative content analysis to examine 15 films that serve as representations of the Iranian New Wave Movement, a cinematic movement that transpired in Iran from 1968 to 1978. Dariush Mehrjoei, Masoud Kimiaei, Nasser Taqvai, Bahram Bayzaei, and Amir Naderi are all noteworthy directors. A stratified sampling technique was utilized with the intention of selecting three works from each director in accordance with the research objective.
This approach guaranteed the inclusion of articles that were most congruent with the objectives of the research. In general, the majority of new wave cinematographic works emphasize the intensified social despondency through the representation of objects that are “inactive” in terms of agency index, “lacking purpose” in terms of purposefulness index and Indicators of the possibility of being “disabled” emphasize the intensified social despair.
The New Wave Movement, which rebelled against the sanguine official discourse, mirrored societal struggles during a period of political unrest by integrating Simmel's sociological theory of art and Snyder's social hope articulation. Through individual artistic expression within a collective cultural unconscious, the Movement challenges prevailing narratives, showcasing the pervasive social despair of their time with nuanced realism.


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