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English abstract (250 to 300 words): introduction, method, findings, conclusion

Persian abstract (200 to 250 words): introduction, method, findings, conclusion

Names of authors

Author ID hyperlink

Authors' affiliations (educational group, faculty, university, city, country, academic email)

Very important: the number of words in the article should not exceed 8000 words.

Article text with 12 BMItra font

References in the text: (Alipour, Zahedi and Shiani, 2019: 278)/ (Dovas, 2002: 14)

If there is no English word in the text, English names should be subtitled.

All titles should have numbers.

The order of topics

  1. Introduction and statement of the problem
  2. Research background
  3. Conceptual and theoretical framework
  4. Research methodology
  5. Research findings
  6. Discussion and conclusion

Article source:

Excerpted from the doctoral thesis of the first author entitled "Sociological study of the effects of the formation and dissolution of agricultural joint-stock companies on sustainable rural development (case study: Rudpish Foman)", Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mazandaran University. There is no conflict of interest in this article.

Derived from a research project entitled "Development of employment and entrepreneurship solutions at home with emphasis on a vulnerable neighborhood of Hamedan city", with the support of the Deputy of Economic Development of Hamedan Governorate. There is no conflict of interest in this article.

Independent author, there is no conflict of interest in this article.


All the references in the text should be in this list and make sure that there are no additional sources in it. The DOE of all articles should be hyperlinked in front of them. Download an article from the system for the template

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