Document Type : Research Article
Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, Shahid Beheshti University
Master student of Sociology, Shahid Beheshti University
Introduction: Leisure is a set of occupations that a person engages in for his or her own satisfaction (free from coercion) after being released from work, family, and social demands, either for recreation, leisure, or to develop his or her talents. During the onset of coronary heart disease, the behavioral patterns and lifestyles of young people changed in the area of leisure. For some people, intimate relationships with other family members developed during this period, while others faced many problems in their family environment due to lack of social and communication skills and faced many communication challenges. The main objective of this study is to investigate the life experiences of young people in relation to their leisure activities before and after coronavirus.
Method: the method of this research is qualitative. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with 13 young people living in Tehran. Random sampling was used. The interviews were terminated due to theoretical saturation and the data were analyzed.
Findings: The results indicate differences in leisure patterns by gender and marital status, changes in leisure, attitudes, variety, and familiarity with leisure activities, changes in leisure patterns and leisure activities of participants before and after coronary heart disease, an increase in leisure, to a relative stability in the type of leisure activity and to a change in the location of leisure, to an increase in cultural and artistic content in leisure activities, to an increase in participatory activities in domestic affairs, to an increase in motivation and awareness to provide leisure facilities at home, and to a change in the style of virtual space. Participating youth also mentioned the opportunities and challenges of their leisure activities during the Corona outbreak. The main opportunities are more time for artistic and personal activities and being with family, and the main challenges are lack of motivation and depression.
Conclusion: The results show that before the corona outbreak, people spent their leisure time outdoors and mostly with colleagues or friends, while after the corona outbreak, they spent their leisure time indoors and with family. People’s leisure time increased dramatically during the corona outbreak, and at that time people pursued their activities within the range of their needs and interests. After the corona outbreak, one of the common activities of men and women is their presence in cyberspace and social networks, and the style of using social space has also changed. Married people are more likely to take care of health issues and leisure activities at home than single people. Women are more active in cultural activities than men. Leisure behavior according to the corona is more likely to be a family behavior, then an individual behavior, and finally a social behavior with lower frequency. Participants believe that their leisure behavior is more than ever participatory and within the family, which makes them feel good.
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