Rohaniat Institute Encountering Norm Conflict: The Case Study of Social Position of Women

Document Type : Research Article


1 PHD student in Sociology, Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences

2 Assistant Professor of Department of Sociology, Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences

3 Associate Professor of Department of Sociology, Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences


Introduction: Rohaniat (Shiite religious authority) as a social institute in Tashayo' and Iranian society holds a specified norm system. If this norm system gets into conflict with other common adherent norm system in society, a situation would appear called "norm conflict" in sociological terminology. In the proceeding research, a comparative study between the norm system of Rohaniat and the common adherent norm system in society will be done, the presumptive norm conflict between these two systems will be examined, and the question would get answered that either this situation could be considered as norm conflict or not and whether this norm conflict may lead to social conflict and struggle or not?
Although different types of norm conflict around social liberties and lifestyles of members of society can be studied under these assumptions, but our study is concentrated on probable norm conflict over the change in women`s social position.
Research Method: The method used in this study is a combination of documentary study, interview with specialists and secondary data analysis.
In order to answer the research questions, different aspects of Rohaniat norm system have been extracted in refer to jurisprudential adjudication (fatwas), ethic values and norms and political acts. In addition, corresponding norms and attitudes of society have been extracted out of secondary data (national survey of values and attitudes of Iranians: second and third wave).
Findings: After comparing these two sets of values and norms, consequences of probable norm conflict between these two systems have been examined. According to the findings of this research, there are forms and instances of gender and religious particularism in Rohaniat norm system. Among seven studied subject that are related to women' social position, we can notice remarkable norm conflict in at least 4 subject: premature marriage of girls, women' housekeeping, right for women to divorce and, women' work and employment. Although there is not an explicit and sharp conflict over the right for women to acquire political positions and appointments, but we can notice that a big majority of society contrary to Rohaniat norm system, believes in the right for women to acquire middle and high political appointments like minister, governor, mayor and so on.
Conclusion: The gap between common norm system of the majority of society and Rohaniat norm system, appears in different explicit social conflicts: (1) political conflicts and struggles between Rohaniat institution and state; (2) theoretical debates and disputes between Rohaniat institution and pro-women' rights social groups; (3) media and virtual conflicts in mass media and social networks; (4) norm conflict between social groups and inside family institution.
Consequently, in the triangle of society, state and Rohaniat institution, we notice different forms of social and norm rupture around women' issues that is an alarming social symptom for society. The absence of convincing procedures and the presence of particularistic norm systems in Iranian society, put the vital necessity of social dialogue among Rohaniat institution, women' movement and policymakers about women' issues in front of Iranian society.


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