The Construction Of Religious Subject In Transcendental Cinematic Discourses After Iran Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of cultural studies, , Tehran, Iran


The consequence of the Islamic Revolution as a political event was a wave of efforts to Islamize social, cultural and artistic backgrounds and making them sound religious. One of the areas that has significantly changed in the creation of culture in general and its institutional construction was transformed was the phenomenon of cinema. In this study, with the study of the forty four sample of the works of religious cinema after the revolution with the method of discourse analysis and discursive semantics, it has been tried to answer the following questions: what are the discourses of religious cinema after the revolution and what they have in discourse formulation and context. The results of this study show that, after the Islamic Revolution, cinematic texts have been found in five discourses of the Islamic Revolution, Sacred Defense, escaping urbanization and favoring life in villages, individuality, tolerance, pluralism and return. These discourses have, in turn, arranged their ideal and normal object as the sacredly revolutionary subject, the place of meaning, individualist, tolerant, and responsible truthful believer.Moreover, there are some overlaps regarding common denominators between the discourses of the Islamic Revolution and the Sacred Defense, urbanization and favoring life in village as well as the return. In the discourse of religious cinema, we do not see plurality of subjects and they have a limited space for functionality.


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