Women’s headed households and bottlenecks of children socialization (A case study: The householder women supported by Tehran Municipality Organization)

Document Type : Research Article



Female-headed households and the women in charge of them are one of the most vulnerable chunks of a society, often highly affected by divorces, passing or disability of their husband, drug-abuse of their partner, or immigration of their husbands. That Is why this study is focused on bottlenecks of parenting and children socialization for female-headed households, which is divided into five subcategories, cumulatively studied in seven hypotheses.
In this study, referential methods are employed for verification and data gathering in theories, and traversal methods are used for management of data. The sample data consists of all the women in this category, covered by Tehran municipality, and its size is calculated via Cochran formula method to be 328 people. Random sampling has been used to access elements of the data sample, and analysis unit is set to be each responsive person. The geographical location of the study is the city of Tehran, and it was done in Jalali year 1392 (2013 Gregorian). Data was gathered via surveys. Credibility of the surveys were assessed by the visual methods, and the final edition employed Cronbach's (alpha=0.77), which was calculated to be .77, demonstrating that the sampling tools are desirably persistent. For further data analysis, the descriptive section includes one dimensional tables, as well as mean and variance diagrams. To define discoveries, t test and correlations are used.


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