Analysis of the Position of the Institute of Social Studies and Research of Tehran University in the Academic Sociology of Iran (1950s and 1960s)


1 Department of Cultural Sociology, Institute for Cultural, Social and Civilization Studies, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD in sociology, Researcher and University lecturer, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Cultural Sociology, Institute for Cultural, Social and Civilization Studies, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Social Development, Faculty of Social sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran Iran


The status of the Institute of Social Studies and Research, which commenced operations in the 1950s as part of the Faculty of Literature at the University of Tehran, is a pivotal inquiry in academic sociology in Iran. The majority of studies examining the institute regard sociology as an extraneous discipline unrelated to the field.
This article employs critical history and document analysis to demonstrate that an examination of this position is unattainable without knowledge of the social environment in which the institution originated.
The society of Iran has been depicted. Conversely, by addressing this inquiry, we are able to discern not only the prevailing trends in Iranian sociology, but also the origins and indications of the frailty and distress that currently afflict Iranian social sciences. With respect to this matter, the majority of analysts have examined the historiography of academic sociology in Iran. However, this perspective is disproportionate to the materials of this history, as we shall demonstrate that their primary emphasis is on the viability or rejection of social sciences in Iran.
The findings will demonstrate that this scholarly establishment originated from the social concerns and requirements of Iran, and that throughout its development, sociology in Iran attempted to provide solutions to these issues and necessities. Our research indicates that historical information regarding contemporary Iranian society cannot be discerned by focusing solely on external factors.


Main Subjects

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