Investigating the Comparison of Physical-Spatial and Social-Economic Mehr Houses from the Perspective of Residents (Case Study: Sahand New City of Tabriz and Golbahar City of Mashhad)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz Islamic Art University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz Islamic Art University

3 PHD Candidate in Islamic Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz


Introduction: The Mehr Housing Project in Iran, is the largest government initiative in the field of urban housing since the Islamic Revolution, which has been implemented with the aim of helping to provide housing for low income groups. With the implementation of the "Mehr Housing" policy, in order to provide housing for the low-income groups, structural-physical and socio-economic problems emerged; Feelings of social inequality and spatial segregation (due to dependence on the neighboring metropolis) of residents are among the issues that have been less researched despite their importance. This study aims to identify the relationship between the physical structure of Mehr housing complex and its socio-economic structure, and explores the relevant responses of residents.
Method: The research was performed by comparative method in two independent samples with a volume of 50 (Mehr housing in the new city of Sahand Tabriz and Golbahar city of Mashhad) by cluster method in different phases of the project. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS.20 software. First, to test the normality of the data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used and the test results confirmed that the data were normal. Therefore, the main hypothesis of the research was tested by t-test.
Finding : According to the findings, there is a direct and significant relationship between spatial structure of Mehr housing development (25 main items) and its social structure (14 main items) (Pearson coefficient 0.68). The study of the samples with t-test shows that despite the significant difference in data in social and environmental dimensions (with more mean in Golbahar-sample) and service and economic dimensions (with higher mean in Sahand sample), but physical dimensions has a relatively similar condition in the samples. Also, in general, according to the computational averages of t-test, there was no significant difference between the components of "physical-spatial " and "socio-economic" structures, and despite the average to low computational score in both groups, in the Golbahar sample with a small difference, a higher score was estimated.
Results & Conclusion: Residents’ expectations of physical-spatial construction and socio- economic construction, according to what has been formed in these housing complexes, since it is lower than the average, so can’t be a confirmation of the lack of socio-economic inequality and segregation of this housing development pattern. Based on the results, significant discrimination in providing services and access to urban facilities, along with spatial remoteness, has played an important role in the formation and intensification of feelings of social inequality and spatial separation of these complexes. Therefore, it seems that providing cheap shelter in the suburbs, does not necessarily provide justice. The policy of Mehr Housing Projects, with the aim of expanding social justice and providing easy access to government support housing for low income people, in the form of affordable housing, has led to the reproduction of social- spatial inequality.


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