Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Industry and industrialization are prevalent subjects in sociology, evident in the majority of seminal and contemporary works. The current theoretical investigation employs a critical framework and relies on the thought experiment and axiomatization of reasoned statements methods to determine which direct and intermediary mechanisms are most influential in the relationship between industry (technology) and society at large, with a specific focus on social health. This paper posits that the establishment and growth of the industry and its associated technologies in the host communities will result in a multitude of both positive and negative alterations to diverse facets of the social health of the local populace. Thus, ten theoretical statements were examined to elucidate the research problem. Ultimately, several factors were identified as the repercussions and effects of the industrialization process on the social health of cities: unrestrained urbanization development, prioritization of economic gain over other considerations, escalation of immigration and internal migration, heightened heterogeneous population density, disregard for local and environmental needs, and increased urbanization without regard for environmental concerns. The present paper developed a synthetic model that contributes to a novel comprehension of the issue at hand. This model may serve as a valuable guide for future research endeavors.
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Tavakol, M. , and Mousavi, S. M. A. . "Investigating the Effects of Industrialization on Various Aspects of Societal Health
(Proposing a Theoretical Model)", Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran, 12, 4, 2024, 608-628. doi: 10.22059/jisr.2024.363426.1425
Tavakol, M., Mousavi, S. M. A. (2024). 'Investigating the Effects of Industrialization on Various Aspects of Societal Health
(Proposing a Theoretical Model)', Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran, 12(4), pp. 608-628. doi: 10.22059/jisr.2024.363426.1425
M. Tavakol and S. M. A. Mousavi, "Investigating the Effects of Industrialization on Various Aspects of Societal Health
(Proposing a Theoretical Model)," Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran, 12 4 (2024): 608-628, doi: 10.22059/jisr.2024.363426.1425
Tavakol, M., Mousavi, S. M. A. Investigating the Effects of Industrialization on Various Aspects of Societal Health
(Proposing a Theoretical Model). Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran, 2024; 12(4): 608-628. doi: 10.22059/jisr.2024.363426.1425