The present study seeks to deal with emotions and gender from a sociological perspective. Emotions and gender are social and cultural components. Socio-cultural variables at the micro and macro levels play a crucial role in gender reconstruction as well as in positive and negative emotional actions of social actors. The importance of this matter configures the structure of this study. It emphasizes on the feeling of unhappiness in the process of development through numerous types of emotions. To investigate the feeling of unhappiness between the two sexes, a theoretical framework devised from the theoretical approaches of the sociology of emotions and gender to investigate questions and hypotheses. A survey methodology was used in order to answer the questions and examine the hypotheses. Subjects of this study were students of Allameh Tabataba’i University; they were selected by a survey methodology with a sample size of 381 people. The foremost vital results showed that the feeling of unhappiness was higher among MA students and among other students with a moderate socioeconomic base rather than students with other degrees. Among the effective sociological variables on the feeling of unhappiness, inability to manage emotions, feelings of powerlessness, nonconformity and social disapproval affect the unhappiness feeling of male and female students. It can be argued that place of residence is the effective variables affecting the unhappiness of female students.
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Amini, S. and Farzane, M. (2019). Gender Study of Students' Feeling of Unhappiness. Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran, 8(3), 489-512. doi: 10.22059/jisr.2019.270769.784
Amini, S. , and Farzane, M. . "Gender Study of Students' Feeling of Unhappiness", Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran, 8, 3, 2019, 489-512. doi: 10.22059/jisr.2019.270769.784
Amini, S., Farzane, M. (2019). 'Gender Study of Students' Feeling of Unhappiness', Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran, 8(3), pp. 489-512. doi: 10.22059/jisr.2019.270769.784
S. Amini and M. Farzane, "Gender Study of Students' Feeling of Unhappiness," Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran, 8 3 (2019): 489-512, doi: 10.22059/jisr.2019.270769.784
Amini, S., Farzane, M. Gender Study of Students' Feeling of Unhappiness. Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran, 2019; 8(3): 489-512. doi: 10.22059/jisr.2019.270769.784